Stichting HOKISA Nederland

Jaarrekening 2002

April 2003

This report contains 6 pages


Table of contents will be inserted here

1 Board of directors' Report of
Stichting Vrienden van HOKISA in Nederland (HOKISA Netherlands) has started its activities in 2002. The Board of directors consists of the following members:
Dineke Koerts - President
Vera Habers - Secretary
Jacobina Brinkman - Treasurer
Els Schellekens - Member
Ineke Verweij - Member
Constance Vos - Member

The goal of HOKISA Netherlands is:
Create support for AIDS orphans in South Africa, who lost their parents through AIDS and who are partly HIV-positive themselves
Develop (charitable) activities to raise money for the Homes for Kids in South Africa (HOKISA South Africa), a non-profit organisation registered under number 2001/010042/08, section 21 Companies Act of South Africa 1973.
Develop involvement of the Dutch society with people in South Africa who are infected with the HIV/AIDS virus through providing information about relevant projects.
The official founding of HOKISA as an Association (Stichting) took place in May 2003.
The relationship between HOKISA Netherlands and HOKISA South Africa is laid down in an agreement of cooperation.
This agreement includes a condition that all collected money is send to HOKISA South Africa without deduction of any administrative costs.
HOKISA South Africa also will give the collected money without any administrative costs to the chosen projects.
During 2002 the activities of HOKISA Netherlands were focused on fund raising by building a network of Friends of HOKISA in the Netherlands. In total EUR 8.879 was donated by Friends in 2002.
In 2003 HOKISA Netherlands plans to further enlarge its network of Friends and to investigate possibilities to qualify for other grants and financial aid from subsidizers and companies.
On 1 December 2002 the HOKISA home in Masiphumelele, South Africa was opened. More information on this home can be found on:

2 Balance sheet 31 December 2002
EUR 1,000

Current assets
Cash at bank 1.869

Current liabilities
Payable to South Africa 1.869

3 Income statement
EUR 1,000

Donations Friends of HOKISA Netherlands 8.879
Royalties and fees received 3.000

Transferred to South Africa 10.000
Bank costs (10)
Result 1.869

4 Notes to the financial statements
4.1 Balance sheet
Assets and liabilities are presented at nominal value Cash at bank This represents the current account at the Postbank.
Payable to HOKISA South Africa Donations received that have not yet been transferred to HOKISA South Africa are recorded as current liabilities.
4.2 Income statement Donations and transfers are recorded in the income statement on a cash-basis. In accordance with article 3.2 of its statute the foundation incurs no costs, unless approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.
Donations This represents donations received from Friends HOKISA Netherlands and the royalties and fee received from Lutz van Dijk regarding his books and lectures.
Transferred to South Africa Money that has been transferred to South Africa during the reporting period has been deducted from current year result.
4.3 Appropriation of result In accordance with Article 3.2 of the statute of HOKISA Netherlands, the result of 2002 will be transferred to HOKISA South Africa. The money will be transferred without deduction of any administrative costs.

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